Going Into Battle 9/29/2016

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Working Through Life

Sometimes I get really bad anxiety about going to class. It’s not that I don’t enjoy the classes, or I am doing badly in them, it’s just that I think of all the bad things that could happen and get overwhelmed.

I struggled with this a lot last year. I would skip classes, simply because I was so overwhelmed. I was insecure and unable to get over that fear, which is very frustrating because I have always prided myself on being strong and independent.

This year, however, I found my solution. Whenever I am anxious about going to a class or a function I put on my battle armor, an arrow head necklace that my dad got me.

I don’t know why this necklace is special, but I swear it’s magic. Maybe it’s the fact that it could have been used in a war, and if it made it through…

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